Colorado State University CASE STUDY

In-Vessel Composting

Operator: Colorado State University
Location: Fort Collins, CO
Feedstock: Food Waste & Agricultural Waste
Capacity: 153 T/year
Year Installed: 2011
Project Components:
  • Custom Vessel
  • Automated Mixing System
  • Forced Aeration
  • Greenhouse Roof

Client’s Requirements

After years of transporting the University's food and landscape waste 50 miles to an off-site composting facility, Colorado State University (CSU) recognized the need for a more sustainable approach. The high transport and disposal expenses prompted them to explore on-site composting. They also wanted compost for on-campus landscaping, and to integrate on site composting with student learning. To address these goals, CSU turned to Green Mountain Technologies (GMT) for a tailored commercial composting solution.

Our Solution

GMT provided CSU with a 30' Earth Flow In-Vessel composting system near the main campus. This Earth Flow composts over a ton of biodegradable material daily, speeding up the decomposition process for food scraps in just 14-21 days. Food waste from dining centers along with manure and bedding from the equine center are easily loaded into the vessel with an automated tote loader. The system has user-friendly controls for compost mixing and moisture management. After the composting process, the finished product cures outside for a few weeks and is used for on-campus landscaping. The Earth Flow system drastically reduces transport and disposal costs, keeps valuable nutrients on campus, and prevents odors and pests while occupying a footprint the size of a single parking space.

The Earth Flow system is a sophisticated and effective system for composting larger quantities of material, which works well for our university. We have also appreciated the strong customer support and service provided by Green Mountain Technologies as the university has implemented this new system.” 
- CSU’s Sustainability Coordinator Amber Smith

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